Widget Guidelines

How to Create a Form Using RomethemeForm

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 100 views

Form allows you to add your email, physical address, and other relevant information to the site so visitors can message you.

Follow the step-by-step instructions:

1. Don’t forget to Install the RomethemeForm Plugin.

2. Go to Plugin > Add New Plugin.

3. Search RomethemeForm Plugin > Install & Activate.

4. Go to RomethemeKit

5. Click Theme Builder

6. Click Tab Form.

7. Click Create New Template.

8. Input your Form Name.

9. Input your Entry Title (to set a custom entry title, enclose the input name in {{}}) like the picture below. You can custom by first name, last name, email, phone, etc.

10. Click Save & Edit.

11. Entry Title used to display incoming messages, can display first name, last name, email phone, etc, > Click Entries amount.

12. Showing your incoming messages like picture below.

13. To create your form, Click Edit Form.

14. In the canvas Elementor, click Add New Container 

15. Select your layout Flexbox or Grid.

16.  Select your structure.

17. Drag the widget from the Elementor.

18. Drop it on the selected area.

19. You can click or drag and drop another widget to create your Form, like RForm-Email, RForm-Text Area, RForm-Submit button, or any other widget.

20. You can setting your label, placeholder, and help text as you need.

21. Click Tab Style to adjusting colors, fonts, padding, and margin.

22. Don’t forget to click Publish to save the changes.

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